Published on June 3, 2024 Updated on January 27, 2025

In accordance with the decree of April 19, 2019, setting the tuition fees applicable to non-EU international students enrolled in a public higher education institution, differentiated fees were approved by the University Clermont Auvergne¡¯s Board of Directors during its session on September 27, 2019. Due to the health context, UCA has decided to postpone the implementation of differentiated fees for non-EU students. Their application is expected to take effect starting from the 2025/2026 academic year.

Important Information:

The UCA Board of Directors, in its meeting on December 15, 2023, decided to postpone the partial exemption for the 2024/2025 academic year.
As a result, non-EU students will pay the same tuition fees as national and European students for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Who is affected by differentiated tuition fees?

Non-EU students enrolling for the first time in a bachelor's, master's, or engineering program.

Who is not affected by differentiated tuition fees?
  • French government scholarship recipients.
  • Non-EU students enrolled at UCA before the 2019 academic year, until the end of their uninterrupted studies.
  • Students enrolled in preparatory classes (CPGE) also registering for a bachelor's degree at the university.
  • Students enrolling in a PhD, HDR (Habilitation to Direct Research), long medical postgraduate (DES), or university diploma.
  • Students with refugee status, subsidiary protection, or children of individuals with such status.
  • Non-EU students who have resided in France for at least 2 years or are linked to a tax household for more than 2 years.
  • International students already enrolled at UCA during the 2019-2020 academic year (all levels) until the end of their study cycle (e.g., bachelor's degree).
  • Students coming to France as part of a partnership or exchange program between universities that includes a tuition fee waiver.

These students will pay the same tuition fees as French students for the entire duration of their studies at a public higher education institution under the Ministry of Higher Education, Research, and Innovation.

2023-2024 Tuition fees - Non-EU students
Program Tuition fees
Bachelor¡¯s Degree, BUT (Bachelor Universitaire de Technologie), Professional Bachelor¡¯s Degree, DEUST (Dipl?me d'?tudes Universitaires Scientifiques et Techniques), Capacity in Law, University Access Diploma (DAEU) 175 €
Master's Degree 250 €
Doctorate, Habilitation to supervise Research (HDR) 391 €
Integrated or equivalent engineering preparatory cycle 175 €
Engineering cycle 3 770 €
First cycle health diplomas (DFGSM, DFGSP, DFGSO, DFGSMa) 175 €
Second cycle health diplomas (DFASM, DFASP, DFASO, DE Sage femme) 250 €
Third cycle health diplomas including theses 250 €
State Diplomas of Doctor (Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Surgery) / DES and DESC, including theses 517 €
Thesis leading to the State Diploma of Doctor in Medicine and
Thesis leading to the State Diploma of Doctor in Pharmacy/Dental Surgery within the framework of the long third cycle
391 €
Certificate of orthoptist competence 340 €
Certificate of speech-language pathologist competence 555 €